Weird Pop-Up when saving font

Hi, lately, whenever I export a font, I get this bizarre pop up (see picture). What is this??

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I also have been getting this, but it seems to have disappeared again (maybe following a 3338 or so update).

I think I circumvented it by saving the document, then it stopped complaining.

I got this message during slanting in the transfomations panel in a .glyphs file.
It refers to »glyphs«, not to a certain file.
It is neither possible to save the file nor to quit glyhpsapp,
Which option is save to choose, »reload« or »keep Glyphs Version«?
Or should I force quit?
I’m on [3337], MacOS 14.7.2

Keep Glyphs Version saves the version you currently have open in Glyphs, so that’s what you want.

Thank you Sebastian,
I had to click »Keep« a couple of times and received some more messages like the one on the screenshot, referring to single characters or other .glyphs files,
but now the problem seems to be gone.
What could be causing this behaviour?

Do you export into the same folder that contains the .glyphs file?

“glyphs” is a folder in the glyphs package.

I’ll have a look at both issues.

I see,
so the message containing »glyphs« was not referring to the file I was working on, but to another .glyphspackage file which as open.

Technically, “glyphs” is referring to the folder in which all the .glyph files are stored (in the glyphspackage format, all glyphs are stored in separate files).