Wish card with VariableFont

Hey designers!
I would like to present you my test page from CodePen: https://codepen.io/Fraber/pen/LYEGeJd
It’s for my wish card. First time with variable font and css animation. Very inspire from a HEXprojects https://twitter.com/HEXprojects/status/1200365113192132608.
The project will be responsive design soon

What do you think of that? What are the options to optimized the animation? Thx in advance. Frank


Excellent j’adore ! :clap::+1:

This is really nice.

You could add an intermediate master so that the dots can change direction while moving. But don’t overdo it.

Merci pour tes encouragements :grinning:
Thx for yours comments. Great idea to add an intermediate, to have a go and back. I’ll tried.
New link : http://2020.orangedesign.fr/