Is there a way to change the color of an automatically aligned component?
I am not seeing it in the appearance preferences.
The gray and that shade of green look too similar to me.
Is there a way to change the color of an automatically aligned component?
I am not seeing it in the appearance preferences.
The gray and that shade of green look too similar to me.
Still having a hard time differentiating enabled/disabled components.
Is there a secret line of code to adjust this?
Is it possible that you use the edit view in dark mode?
I added user defaults for those colors. No UI (yet?) but you can set them with skript
The possible keys are (I hope the names are self explanatory):
and the script:
Glyphs.colorDefaults["GSColorComponentAlignedDark"] = "#00ff00"
Glyphs.colorDefaults["GSColorComponentAlignedDark"] = NSColor.redColor()
And to reset to the default color:
Glyphs.colorDefaults["GSColorComponentAlignedDark"] = None
Tried in 3.1.2 (3151) and the latest 3.2 with the different keys in light and dark mode but can’t get it to work for some reason.
There is no error and when printing it says that it is a different value but doesn’t change the displayed color.
I implemented it two days ago