Alignment zone size for large UPMs

Hi Glyphs team.

I’ve been reading the docs about alignment zones and it says that “in any event, a zone must not be larger than 25 units”. I was wondering if maybe you could expand a bit on why is this a rule or recommendation.

I’m asking because I started a font at UPM 1024 with an alignment zone of 18. I now want to change the UMP to 2048 and that would make the alignment zone 36 units tall, which is 11 units above what the docs recommend.

Is this recommendation of 25 units max tied to a particular UPM value?

The size suggestion assumed 1000 UPM.

Thanks @mekkablue . That clarifies the issue. I’d suggest rewording that sentence to make clear the assumption. Something like:

“In any event, a zone must not be larger than 25 units assuming a UPM value of 1000 units”.