Alignment zone size

Is there a way to show alignment zone sizes in the editor? It would allow to quickly dlip through masters and check them visually. Couldn’t find a reporter, maybe it could just be beside the zone label if they are shown?

That might be a good opportunity to start coding and write a plugin :wink:

Is there a better way to test a reporter than restarting Glyphs every time I make a change?

Yes, you can test your reporter plugin code in Skedge, which is available in the plugin manager.

Nice, thanks!

Is there a way to get user-selected color for alignment zones (or zone names)?

Use the following code:

color_for_light_appearance = Glyphs.colorDefaults['GSColorZones']
color_for_dark_appearance = Glyphs.colorDefaults['GSColorZonesDark']

These colors will typically be semi-transparent. Get a non-transparent color like so:

color2 = color1.colorWithAlphaComponent_(1)

That works, thanks! My first plugin :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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If you put it on GitHub, we can add it to Plugin Manager.

Ok, I’m not sure if I messed up with the Info.plist URL, but here is the repo: GitHub - alx3000/Show-Alignment-Zone-Sizes: Glyphs 3 Reporter plugin to show Alignment Zone sizes in Edit View

Little note about the description in your repo: “Activate in the View menu, or add to Reporter Toggler.” → There is no way to add a plugin to the Reporter Toggler. Once a Reporter is installed, it is available there automatically. Or do you mean to enable the eye symbol of the toggler? (I assume so :))

Also: did Skedge help you in prototyping your plugin? Just curious, if it is useful, as I don’t get much feedback about Skedge (but myself use it still a lot).

Hey Mark, yeah, I mean the eye. How would you like me to describe this? :slight_smile:

Regarding Skedge, unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work. It looks super useful but I had all kinds of tracebacks and didn’t want to spend time troubleshooting. I assume I shouldn’t paste all the code of, but I couldn’t figure out what to keep.

Sketch needs only the code from one of the drawing methods.

@alx yes, what Georg wrote: In Skedge you just need to write the code that would go into any of the drawing callback methods of a reporter plugin. That is the point of Skedge to reduce all the overhead of a plugin and get to the barebone drawing procedure immediately. I will add this to the readme of Skedge. Thanks for explaining your confusion.

Regarding Reporter Toggler: Good question, maybe adding it to the favourite list or so :thinking: I also have no good idea how to formulate it better.

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