Alternate layers with virtual masters

I have a virtual master that goes from 0 to 100 to make some glyphs wider. Some of these glyphs the narrow and the wider form are incompatible, so I need to use an alternate layer, but how to combine it with the intermediate layers used for the virtual master?

I tried this setup:

But Glyphs will not export the font and will give an incompatibility error:

I can get it to work by moving the two layers into a separate glyphs and writing feature variations substitution, but if there is a way to get this with alternate layers that would be better.

Can you send me the test file?

Here is the test file
TestVirtualMasterAlternateLayer.glyphs (3.3 KB)

Only the second bracket layer should have the brace {100}. The first is just an alternate but not an intermediate.

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Thanks, this works. Now I need to figure out why glyphsLib can’t handle it!

Please use the glyphs3-merge branch to develop new features.

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