Alternative character script

I have a typeface with (Regular - A) and one set of (Alternative A.ss01) characters. The client would like every word they type out to display ONE alternative character, as a subtle way of expressing some more style.

I have built typefaces with alternating characters but nothing this specific, can anyone help me with what I need?? It will apply to Upper and Lowercase, possibly numerals and punctuation.

So everything the default characters, except the first letter in a word the ss01 variant? That is a positional alternate, see the tutorial.

lookup INITIAL {
    ignore sub @AllLetters @Medial';
    sub @Medial' by @Initial;

Put the defaults in @Medial and the ss01 glyphs in the same order in @Initial.

Thank you.

Having the first letter of each new word change could be an option for sure!

But is there a way to get a single random letter within one word to change, not always the first?

Forgive me if i have understood incorrectly.

Is it possible to get this to work with numbers also? I have added them to my Initial and Medial classes but it doesn’t seem to work when I compile, is this to do with the AllLetters class not containing them?

Random is not really possible. You can come up with quirky contextual substitutions and it may appear to be random to the user. But same text twice = same substitutions.

And every time a different position in the word? Same thing, just way more complex.

Conclusion: Should not be solved in the font. I would simply add a stylistic set (ssXX) or a character variation (cvXX) and put the randomization in the algorithm that puts the letters on the screen. Website? JavaScript can do it.

Is it possible to get this to work with numbers also? I have added them to my Initial and Medial classes but it doesn’t seem to work when I compile, is this to do with the AllLetters class not containing them?

Yes. You would need to add them of course. Also possible like this: [@AllLetters @AllFigures]

Cheers! Updated and working :slight_smile: