App crashed when compressing command +z continuously
version 3300
Can you reproduce this?
this happend several times.
It would be super helpful if you could find a pattern that is causing this.
@GeorgSeifert For example when I need one command +z in info panel glyphs always crash
Do you mean the Font Info window? Is there a specific tab (Font, Master, Exports, Features, …) where this happens?
Exactly in Features
There were recent improvements with undo in the Features tab. What version of the app are you using? (from the menu Glyphs → About Glyphs). For example, “3.2.1 (3258)”.
This used to be an issue for a very long time, indeed. What version of Glyphs are you using? The small number in the bottom left in the About Glyphs window is important.
Can you reproduce this? And if so, how?
when I change in rlig , dlig and liga and I want one step back.
did you send the crash reports? And do you have those features active in the current edit view?
I always send crash reports but sometimes specially in this case crash report didn’t show
crash again when editing rclt
and nothing in macro
I also get this crash a lot. I’ll try and reproduce it and then send crash reports.
I think there was something like unchecking “generate feature automatically” and then pressing Cmd+Z, which caused an instant crash.