App keeps crashing or going really slow when opening and closing a font


I’ve been using Glyphs for a few months now and it’s become really slow especially when opening or closing a font. I have the RMX Tools installed and Mekkablue scripts but no other plugins.

Is there anything else I can check

How many glyphs has the font? Can you send me the file?

Its a standard size font, I’ll send the files if thats ok, where best to send it to

If it crashes, make sure to always send the crash reports. See this tutorial for some more tips: Crashes | Glyphs

Some tips on performance:

  • The preview area is CPU-intensive
  • A lot of text in an Edit view is heavy on the CPU as well
  • make sure you have the latest cutting edge version, as it will usually contain the latest speed bumps and improvements

Its a standard size font, I’ll send the files if thats ok, where best to send it to

Support at this domain, or by DM.

Unfortunately, when closing any font, the colorful wheel turns for seconds. Any know issues?

How big are those fonts?

Around 800 glyphs.

Could you send me one of them. On a halfway decent machine a font like this should open and close very quickly.

The machine is brand new, and the fonts pretty standard. I’ll send you one.

And can you try without plugins? (Hold Option and Shift when starting the app)

The font you send me opens in a two hundreds of a second and closing takes as long as the window animation.

Have you tried without plugins? And can you check if Glyphs is maybe running in Rosetta mode?

Seems indeed faster without plugins. What is Rosetta mode?

make sure that this checkbox is unchecked.

I don’t have this option on my side.

Can we schedule a screen call that I can have a look myself?
