I grabbed Glyphs mini from Apple, but it doesn’t run on my M2 Mac because I refuse to run Rosetta since it was abusing hard drives and I paid way too much for this thing because it isn’t upgradable after the sale (so it has to last a long time in order for me to come up with that kind of ridiculous money again).
Does Glyphs mini 2 work on Apple silicon Macs? If so, is there an upgrade path for me, because the version I have isn’t helping me out at all.
I do plan on getting the full version eventually, as well, but it will have to be Apple silicon native. Is Glyphs 3 that answer for me?
I’m still running Sonoma (macOS v14.5)
OK, Glyphs 2 mini doesn’t work…
Not really much available for me on an M2 Max Mac, now. Very sad.
Glyph Mini 2 will not be updated to run on Apple Silicon. It runs perfectly fine with Rosetta. I’m not sure what happens with your setup with Rosetta, but as far I know, most people are just fine running it.
I am running Mini 2 just fine on an M1 and now also on an M3, with Rosetta of course. What exactly is happening with your hard drive?
Rosetta was abusing the internal SSDs and paging memory just way overkill. This is a widely known bug about how people’s Apple silicon Macs were getting used up way too quickly.
Now this bug may have been fixed in Rosetta 2, but I have not heard so. Nevertheless, I plan on using this Mac for at least a dozen years, I had just upgraded last year from the 2015 model (which I was able to upgrade some).
This M2 may not be my graphics computer in 12 years, but I guarantee I will be using it for something somewhere (save any catastrophic loss), maybe as a home server, or something. The outrageous price tag of this thing insures it.
I am done with Windows forever. Ads in the OS is a criminal decision. Now it is just Apple and Linux for me from here on out.
I have not seen reports about Rosetta affecting a system like this. Maybe the apps for which this was reported had other issues. From my testing, Rosetta with Glyphs Mini works well without adding noticeable stress to the system.
That’s great for you, but I refuse to take any chances until I know better. That’s all. I realize the emulation is speedy, but I need native code or I would rather not run it. Maybe aI will change my mind when I hear that basic M1 Macs are not getting bricked anymore, or that Rosetta 2 is behaving extremely well, but not now, and not until then.
According to this discussion from three years ago, the very high SSD writes were due to Electron/Chromium-based apps, such as WhatsApp desktop and Discord. Also, as one commenter points out, even such high write rates will only expend the guaranteed working time of the SSD in 14 years (even more than the time you’re intending to use your Mac).
Can you point to an occurrence of “bricked” M1 Macs?
If you prefer being bitter, you can stay on Sonoma. Otherwise, I would really recommend upgrading to the full Glyphs 3 version, it really comes with a lot more functionalities than Glyphs 2/Mini.
I am trying to get some sleep (without any luck), at the moment, but I will find the YouTube video later. But even before I knew about this bug, I did not want to emulate Intel stuff.
There are plenty of other bugs, as well. I don’t want to introduce even more with an emulation layer.
Some of my Flash Drives/Cards which are seemingly not fast enough for the M2 have been bricked. The USB chip that controls the USB ports are sending more energy than the required 5 watts when the Mac goes to sleep, and I have lost at least 3 months of work, not knowing about that bug until the damage had been done. So I have good reason to be a bit too careful.
I have already stated that the goal is Glyphs 3 and that is still the plan. But the money is not here yet. I do hope it will be here before or shortly after my Glyphs 3 trial ends.
I am used to Filter Forge on Linux, but that one is getting pretty old, and there is no Apple silicon version.
I grabbed BirdFont too. That one actually works as a native M series chip code app.
Ian still learning, though. The fonts I made all need to be rethought out in Glyphs 3. Mini was just to fill in the gap, give me a step up.
But it doesn’t matter what you found and what I found as far as bugs, likely we are both right, but what matters is I am trying to save and extend life of my machine, which Apple has forced me to do by not offering an upgradable MBP.
That’s all there is to it. And you can bet that if I can make this thing last 20 years, that’s even better. I take care of my equipment. I need it to last. I could’ve bought a fixer upper house instead of my Mac. I wouldn’t have a home to live in, but at least I could fix it up and sell it for a profit.
My MacBook Pro is the same, though, it’s an investment, and basic M1’s have been reported bricked over dead SSDs. So I will take care that my investment will last as long as possible…
I don’t need to prove anything, you don’t believe me? Fine. Don’t, but to think your argument is going to change my mind or how I take care of my equipment is just wrong.
Thank you now, for the drama. It was fun while it lasted. No one has to believe me, I believe what I do.
Closing the thread because all questions are answered and it is getting off topic.