Automatic position of diacritical marks

Upercase diacritical marks are automagicaly positioned 200 + than my VFB. Is there a way to let them on positions I had in my original file, before importing?

for now the only thin you can do is to correct the anchor positions. Have a look at the video

I’m thinking about a preference to disable the automatic positioning of components all together. But this would disable on of the key features of Glyphs.

I believe it would be helpful.
You could put it in the last tab of Font Info and add: ‘Do this only if you know what you are doing. You have been warned.’ :-)
Fair enough for me.

To whom It may concern, instead of using (I use Robofabs) script for exporting UFO from FL, use Georg’s Glyphs Export script exporting VFB directly to .glyphs. Now my diacritical marks are on the right position.