Batch renaming of Cyrillic letters

I am making a sans-serifed version of a serifed font.
The serif I got as an .otf. The sans-serif version is a Glyphs 2.1 (767) document.
I am trying to assign the serif to the background so I can use it as a model for the sans-serif version.

Works for Latin. The problem is the Cyrillic letters, because they appear in the serif version with names like afii10017 for A-cy, afii10018 for Be-cy and so on, and that, apparently, stops them from being assigned to the background. I tried to rename cyrillic glyphs one by one with Unicode to Glyphs names, but the program freezes for about a minute, and then

Try this:
Open the OTF in Glyphs, select all, update glyph info, then assign background in the other file.

Problem solved except for .smcp which I had to rename by hand.

If you disable the setting “Keep glyph names from imported files” it will correct the names automatically. And for changing parts of the name like suffixes, you can use “Search and Replace” (cmd+shift+F).

Danke :smile:

May be you can use online tools like BatchRenameFiles Tool in future. Thanks.