Best practice for humanist sans italic

I’m redrawing my italics for a typeface I have been working on for a while now, the original italics had more of a thick-thin relation than my the non-italic. I was wondering what is everyone’s opinion on the weight distribution between an italic and non-italic? Specifically for a humanist.

I have done a lot of research and have seen that a lot of people will up the contrast for italic. In the example with the link above, the cursify effect gives that contrast, but what’s do you guys think about not updating the width for the stems? Keeping it as it is? Is that a bad practice? Or would that give me the contrast I am looking for with my humanist? The humanist I am working on has about a difference of about 10 units between hor. and vert. BCPs

Usually a little thinner because I make them narrower, yet want to keep the same apparent color.