Bounding box values instable

working on an italic version with the slanted bounding box I have the following starting values L: 30 W: 630 R: 87

I change L (+10). new L:40 W: 640 R: 87 everything is fine.

lets say I made a mistake and want to go back with an undo.
after the undo I find miself with the following values:

L:30 W: 640 R: 97

with other words it goes back to L: 30 , but it additions 10 to R wich becomes 40 and the W stays at 640!

impossible to go back to the starting values. I can not imagine that this point wasn’t discoverd while testing. thanks for answer.

Hi Erdna,

This is indeed a goof find, thanks.

I fixed it.


super! I really start to discover your soft. I like it a lot!
is this already in the version to by fixed?


The version with the fix will be released in the next few days.
