Bug: Error: "syntax error at "script" missing"


Every time I’m trying to export a typeface I’m getting the following error.

**MakeOTF error**
Error: "syntax error at "script" missing" in Feature locl in line: 20

The console file is telling me the following:

syntax error at "script" missing { useExtension "{" } [features.fea 71]
makeotfGlyphs [FATAL] <SideSans-Roman> aborting because of errors
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

Does anyone have a clue what’s going on?

Please open the features.fa file and check line 70 (and the surrounding lines). What do you find there?

Thanks for you reply!

I copied lines 68—80 from features.fea

} locl ;

feature  {
script latn;
language ROM ;
sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
sub scedilla by scommaaccent;

}  ;

feature case {
script latn;
lookup case0 {

Which version of Glyphs?
Can you try and update & recompile in Font Info > Features?

Glyphs Version 2.3 (895)

I tried update & compile in Font Info > Features

Both give me the same error as before:
Error: "syntax error at "script" missing" in Feature locl in line: 20

Try naming the feature and putting the lookups inside:

feature locl {
   script latn;
   language ROM ;
      sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
      sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
} locl;

I’m pretty new to this. How do I do this?

Are you writing your own features or letting Glyphs do it automatically?

I’m letting Glyphs do it automatically. Actually I’m just making a few small edits to Helvetica Neue. But even when I’m trying to export the unedited Helvetica Neue I get this error.

The feature name is empty. Can you remove all features and hit the update button again?

That seems to do the trick.
Thanks everyone!