Bug report: error opening large TTC

I attempted to open a very large TrueType Collection (293.6 MiB) and got an error message:

The document “SourceHan.ttc” could not be opened. Error while reading the document: ~/SourceHan.ttc
(*** -[NSConcreteData getBytes:range:]: range {1111577413, 12} exceeds data length 307876932)

What version of Glyphs do you have. That should be fixed in the latest cutting edge version (at least I could open a version of SourceHan.ttc (that was even 307 MB).

Thanks—I had the problem with Glyphs 2.4.2 (1013). The issue does not occur in 2.4.2 (1015).

Your test file was the same as mine; I was just counting the bytes differently.

The file “SourceHanNotoCJK.ttc” (which is even larger) opens as well.

I’m experiencing a new issue with the same font family:

The document “SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf” could not be opened. Error while reading the document: /Users/Shared/SourceHanSerifJ_EL-M/SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf
(*** -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0])

Glyphs version 2.5b (1092)
SourceHanSerif-Regular version 1.001 (Japanese edition)

Thanks for the report. I fixed it.

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