Can Text Preview App ignore dark mode?

Is it possible to set Text Preview app to ignore the system dark mode setting? I use dark mode but I’d prefer the text preview to be black on white.

Also, the toolbar with the font styles is jumpy, sometimes it appears on hover, sometimes it doesn’t, maybe it would be ok to just make it permanently visible?

You can run this code in the Macro Panel to force a light appearance:

from AppKit import NSAppearance

We are working on general improvements to Text Preview, but that will take some more time.

Thanks, that works for the Text Preview window, I meant the standalone Text Preview app though :slight_smile:

This might help:

Nice, thanks! For posterity, since the command in the article didn’t work (at least on Ventura):

defaults write com.GeorgSeifert.TextPreview NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -boolean yes