Cannot export because hinting

It says I can’t export because of the letter h but I don’t know how to hinting manually

This is my letter “h”

The paths are open.

Look at the bottom right, where the 3 is. There, two nodes are on top of each other, but not connected. Move them apart and then back on top of each other to connect them. That closes the path and makes hinting possible again.

It seems that the path is partially overlapping. And there is a single point.

What about this error with the letter “u” when I export the font?

This is my letter “u" in glyph

Can you send me that file?

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Where did you see that problem?

when i exported the font and used it on adobe illustrator

Works fine for me. Did you read this: Eliminating font cache problems | Glyphs and Testing your fonts in Adobe apps | Glyphs ?