Cap componentsssss

I tried it and that also made a tangle :confused:

Select the top to nodes of the stem and attach the cap. Then select it and click the horizontal flip button in the transform panel.

If you can reproduce an undo bug, i’m happy to fix it.

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That’s precisely what I did

It goes haywire every time

I see the problem. I’ll fix it.

For now, set the horizontal scale to “-100%” in the info box instead of clicking the flip button.

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Thanks Georg and Rainer, amazing to get such an instant response :smiley:

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A little bug. When I flip a path that contains a segment component, it also needs to change direction?

That should normally be done automatically. But that might be the same issue that we saw before with the flipping.

It’s also going wrong if the flipped component is decomposed:

Still getting those transformation and undo problems with cap components and segment components in Glyphs 3.2 (3150)

I improved it a tiny bit. The normal operation is not working as expected but undo is still broken. I’ll keep looking.

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