Class Kerning import-export

Hi everyone,
does anyone know how:

  1. import spacing, kerning and kerning classes from a single master Glyphs file to another single master Glyphs file;
  2. import spacing, kerning and kerning classes from a single master Glyphs file to a master of a MM Glyphs file. In this case I have a MM Glyphs file with Lt, Rg and ExBd as masters and I have three single master files (Lt, Rg and ExBd). I would like to keep the existing MM file in order to not lose all the settings.

I tried to use two scripts: Steal kerning groups from font and Steal sidebearings from font between two single master Glyphs file. It does copy spacing, kerning and groups but it doesn’t actually apply the class kerning, so I have only the key glyphs kerned. I thought Update metrics would have worked but it didn’t. Thanks.

You can simply select all kerning pairs and paste them in another kerning palette. If you imported kerning groups already in the target file (where you are pasting kerning pairs to), then it should work fine.

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It works perfectly fine.
Thank you so much Tosche.