Compare kerning between masters

Hi, is there an easy way to compare kerning pairs between two or more masters ? A way to list the differences and missing ones ?

Hehe, funny enough, between two or more fonts, you can use or Edit > Compare Fonts…, but there is a mekkablue script Masters > Export Kerning CSV that exports a spreadsheet with all kerning values.


You can use MergeGlyphs to compare masters, too. Just load the same file twice and select different masters.


There’s a plugin called Kern-A-Lytics that shows kerning for all your masters and gives you a representation of the relationships between the masters in a graph. You can drag the nodes in the graph to change the kerning, and it shows the effects of your changes as you work.

It is, IMO, tres cool.


Maybe those apps/plugins people said can work for you, but I have a script that compares kerning between masters. I still have to fix some stuff, but it works fine and you can easily check inconsistencies.

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Idea is to be able to make equal kerning pairs in all masters for variable font preparation.

Does that mean your horizontal metrics are the same across masters as well? Then you could use the custom parameter “Link Metrics With Master”, which also links the kerning.

You can copy paste all kerning in the kerning panel. That makes it easy to sync kerning.

No, I am talking about weight, opsz, width axes etc.

There is already kerning in the masters. So I can’t re-use it. Copy paste would the missing ones, but it might create unwanted kerning.

I have a nice app especially for this, called kerning comparer, it shows differences, you can choose the best looking value, and it shows missing pairs.
Unfortunately the app is so old (Mac oS 9, 1996) that even Google doesn’t know it.

I do have your scripts but cannot find the said one. Is it obsolete or did you rename it?