Looks like there’s a fresh bug:
My dollar symbol is made of S and bar components. The S component has brace layers, and the bar component has bracket layers, removing the middle part for the bold and narrow cuts. It exports fine in 3337 but in 3342 fails:
These glyphs are not compatible: cent, dollar
Probably the TrueType conversion failed
Looking through the update notes, perhaps it’s the change in 3341: “Fix interpolation with brace+bracket layers”?
Sure, attaching here. Apparently, the above fail occurs when the bar glyph is set to non-exporting. If the bar glyph is exporting, then the font exports, but with some unintended interpolation after switching to the bracket layers. This is supposed to switch to the full bar at width 50, but between widths 50–80, it does this:
I didn’t check why it does work in 3.3 but the problem seems to be that the first bracket layer in dollar_bar has a different path order than the other bracket layer. When I fix that, it exports correctly.
In the first layer, the middle part it green, in all others it is blue:
When the bar glyph is exported, the components can be preserved. That would make the whole thing easier because decomposing brace and bracket layers is tricky.
this is what I get with the fixed path order. DollarBugreorderVF.ttf (7.6 KB)
And I would recommend to remove overlap in the bar bracket layers. A overlap like that, it can cause funny rendering issues.