Convert RTL kerning from Glyphs 3 -> 2 not working

I need to convert RTL kerning from 3 → 2 but Mekkablue’s script is not working. Is there another way to do this? Would copying manually the RTL to LTR do the job?

:one: Convert RTL kerning from Glyphs 3 → 2:

:capital_abcd: Master: Regular
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “Convert RTL Kerning from Glyphs 2 to”, line 45
if not in masterKerning:
NameError: name ‘masterKerning’ is not defined

The script has been on my list for a while. Will prioritize.

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This is not the latest version. Please remove and reinstall through Window > Plugin Manager > Scripts > mekkablue scripts. I believe this is already fixed.

If it still does not work, please send me an affected .glyphs file (as a DM in the forum or to res at this domain).