Couldn't find Telugu in Languages menu?

Hi, I couldn’t find Telugu in list of scripts. Would you kindly let me know how to add Telugu to the script list?

So far we have had too little input from users to add something worthwhile for Telugu. We’d be grateful for your input.

In the meantime, you can simply add Telugu glyphs, best through Window > Glyph Info. Search for telugu, select all the glyphs you see and click the Add to Font button.

Thank you, I found Telugu under Glyph Info menu.

When you have a working Telugu font, could you share it with us the improve the support in Glyphs. Starting with the glyph set in the sidebar. And then automatic OpenType features.

For the name of the not encoded glyphs, there are similar script to look at. e.g. Oriya: There we have the following glyphs: e.g. ka-oriya, ka-oriya.base and ka-oriya.below. (the “.base” variant is only needed if the shape needs to change when there is something below (e.g. moving certain feature up a bit). It would be good if you could follow that pattern (unless there is a good reason to do otherwise).

I’ve just started working in Glyphs. I shall share it once it’s ready.