CPAL to SVG conversion crashing

Hi! I’m trying to convert a CPAL color font to SVG font, but Glyphs keeps on crashing. Any idea what the issue could be?

Arrows-CPAL.glyphs (36.9 KB)

I was able to have a quick peek. Your glyphs seem file, and your settings only require the convert to SVG layers and palette checkboxes ticked.

But I did notice the file crashed when other glyphs were included, if you delete everything but the arrows it exports fine.

Thanks! Excluding the empty glyphs did the trick :blush:

The problem is that those empty glyphs have a “Color 2” layer but there are only 2 colors in the palette (the counting starts at zero, so “Color 2” means the third color).

I added a check an a proper error message to avoid the crash.