Devanagari anchors getting generated at "Ascender" height

I remember Devanagari anchors (top, candra etc.) used to be generated at x-height. In the latest version (3), they get generated (Cmd + U) at the Ascender metric height.

If I delete an anchors generated in Glyphs 2 with Cmd+U (at xHeight), and try to re-generate it in Glyphs 3, it is generated at the Ascender height.
Was this a change made in Version 3?

Based on the Devanagari Docs, I do have shoulderHeight set as a custom param and I have set it to the xHeight value. But, it is still not working.

You need to add a “Bod Height” metric:

The “shoulderHeight” parameter is only for Glyphs 2.

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Thanks @GeorgSeifert.
That works.