Dimesions palette, Kannada


Is it possible to add Kannada letters to the dimensions palette?

It is. If you give me a sketch on how it should look, I can add it.

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I will do that

Please find the attachments.

Archive.zip (316.4 KB)

Dimension Cheat Sheet.pdf (34.0 KB)

It needs to fit on one sheet. So you need to find two letters that show all the measurements you need.

Archive.zip (311.9 KB)
@GeorgSeifert Please review this. If it is possible, please add Kannada text in dimension palette

I will certainly add it. For every red bar it needs a space to put the text field.

does this work?
Archive 2.zip (330.7 KB)

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Thank you so much!

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I upgraded to Version 2.6.6 (1343). Dimension palette is not updated for Kannada.

Please try to add it in the next update.

Thank you.