Does the UPM affect the PS hint settings?

I’m working on a type with a UPM of 1900 and wnat to suppress the overshoot rounding when printed out on 300 dpi at 10pt (or perhaps 9pt). I’m printing to a true PS level 3 printer (Xerox VersaLink C7000).

Default settings don’t appear to be kicking in. All the overshoots are pushed up on the baseline making for a wobbly line.

So, the question is does a non-1000 upm have an effect on the BlueScale?

I encountered the same behavior of the PS hints when looking for design test scale at 1100 UPM. When I set the UPM back to 1000 the hinting started working normally. It wasn’t in print, it was in Adobe applications.

I’m seeing all the glyphs that overshoot the baseline being raised so the rounds sit on the baseline. Admittedly it is subtle, but as far as I was aware the printer shouldn’t be using the hints anyway as it is high resolution.

It could be the macOS. I came across an alarming thing the other day and discovered a whole new setting to think about.

After doing a fair bit of testing I have deduced that printing via Bonjour and Apple’s own Driver does odd things to the overshoots and the baseline alignment zone. Interestingly this changes depending on the orientation of the paper (portrait or landscape).

When printing via IP and using either the Generic Driver or the Manufacturer’s Driver (for me Xerox) the results were as expected and the overshoots along the baseline behaved.

Yes and no. Since the sizes of the alignment zones play a role, and these sizes tend to be larger in bigger UPMs, the blueScale values will have to be smaller, tendentially. If you increase the zone size in the blueScale formula (0.49 + 240 ÷ size of largest zone in units) ÷ 72 × 300, then you can see that blueScale is inversely proportional to the size of your zones. And if your zones are directly proportional to the UPM, well, I expect less overshoot suppression with higher UPMs, at least in most cases. See PS Hinting: blueScale.

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