Double width combining marks

Certain Unicode characters (the range from uni035C to uni0362 for definite, there may be more) are zero-width marks that bridge two base letters, for example k͟h or d͜͜͜ʒ. If we draw these, like other marks, with sidebearings, they get zero-widthed on export, like other marks. The zero-widthing, however, collapses the LSB onto the RSB, but the marks need to be centred on zero so that they bridge adjacent letters correctly. Top shows incorrect zeroing, bottom is how it needs to go.


I see. For now, set the RSB to the center you need. Then it will hang over the right but will produce the desired result.

Do those marks have any anchors?

Maybe I’ll change it that adding a *center anchor will define the clapping? If there are anchors already, default to collapsing to the _top or _bottom anchor?

Yep yep, I’m collapsing the width to zero manually for now.

I’d be cautious with that. Some people want marks to sit correctly on a given glyph (lowercase ‘o’ typically) when the mark feature is not applied. Collapsing onto the _top or _bottom would put the glyph in between two lowercase 'o’s.

Don’t fully collapse. Only move the RSB. And maybe give it a bit more room on the left.

That was the original intention of the collapsing. But several people suggested that it is not needed. But adding a “*center” (I’m open for suggestions for a better name) anchor is safe and would solve this problem.


It’s definitely not needed for everyone, but if some people want it, and it’s not harming the others, I don’t see a reason to change the default behaviour. I like the idea of a dedicated anchor for the collapsing, if people want behaviour different from default. How about just calling the anchor *collapse, since that’s its function and it won’t always be in the centre?

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To keep some width to be able to edit it when you have more than one in the edit view.

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