How to create a functional EOT from Glyphs? The files don’t work in IE, and I expect it’s the name table as always with EOT-files.
Is there a way to get this working without having to go through TTX and manually change the name table? If not, maybe the EOT-checkbox should not be there?
Have the same issues with exported EOTs here. I was thinking that there may be a name table issue as you said, with the Family Name not being the same as the Full Font Name in the exported font, hence why I was asking about the Name Table Entry parameter last week — Name Table Entry + Win ID4
Phil: I was able to get Krista’s font to work just by adjusting the CSS. No special name table entry necessary. I admit I did give the font a simpler name at export to make my typing easier, but the solution is usual how you address the font in CSS. IE seems to be very picky about that.
1- Full name should be postscript name like syntax, that means not spaces, no more than 31 characters and one hyphen splitting family from style.
2- Family name should be exactly as the first part of the Family name.
Family Name: My Font MyFont
Style Name: Bold
Full Name: My Font-Bold MyFont-Bold
Another issue, it seems that IE6/IE8 in Windows 7 is less strict with TT flavors than with CFF flavor.
One possible reason why making the CSS font-family the same as the desktop font “fixes” problems is simply that IE then uses your locally installed font. Naturally, this “fix” only works on your own computer. And this is exactly the danger: You do not notice if something is broken. For this reason, I have always explicitly advised my customers to choose a font-family name that is different from the desktop font name.
I had the same problem. Could not export functional EOTs from Glyphs, but got them work when exported from FontPrep. Did not change anything in the master file, just imported ttf fonts and convert them using the application… (Glyphs 2.3.1 (902))