Error After Updating to Python 3.11.9 with Connect Firebase Plugin

Hi. I’m a noob to Python and I’m having a difficult problem. Please help.

I’m giving the user permission to use the plug-in by connecting the realtime database to the firebase. It worked well when the version of Python framework was 3.11.6. However, SSL error occurs after the version was updated to 3.11.9 this time.

Depending on the Python version, the package related to the newly installed firebase is included.

You must have python 3.11.9 installed on your Macbook, and after installing the Connect firebase plugin, you will get an error if you enter the following Test code in the macro panel and run it.

from firebase import firebase
firebase_url = ""
firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(firebase_url, None)
result = firebase.get('/Plugin', None)
print("result.keys(): ", result.keys())
print("result.values(): ", result.values())

Different errors are occurring depending on the version of the Connect firebase plugin.

Or please let me know if there is a way to install Python framework in 3.11.6 version.
I deleted both python and Glyphs3 and reinstalled them.

Why do you want to use this library in the first place?

If there is an incompatibility with a newer version of Python, then updating or replacing the incompatible library makes most sense.