Error in Noodler

I’m using Glyphs 3.2 (3234) and python version 3.11.6 (Glyphs).

Since today when I tried to export a font with Noodler filter I’ve got this error message.

Capture d’écran 2024-01-25 à 17.09.55

Capture d’écran 2024-01-25 à 17.08.36

Am I wrong in my settings below or is there a new way to use Noodler ?

Capture d’écran 2024-01-25 à 17.10.12

Do you have the latest version? If in doubt, uninstall and reinstall the filter through the Plugin Manager.

Yes I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled both, plugin and modules but still got this error

I’ll have a look.

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I have the same issue, started today after installing Glyphs 3.2 (3246).

Can you post the actual error message?

Hi guys,
I have the same problem, Glyphs 3.2.3 (3260)
Tried the different options but the problem remains

Can you send me the file? And describe how exactly do you run the Noodler.

Dear Georg,
I did, thank you!

The problem is fixed in the cutting edge version.

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Oh great! Thanks Georg!!