Error on export: The operation couldn’t be completed. Instance is outside of the interpolation space: Thin

Getting this error on exporting my 9-weight font file as a variable .ttf: The operation couldn’t be completed. Instance is outside of the interpolation space: Thin. Any help is much appreciated!

What’s your master setup and what are the values for that Thin instance?

It says that Thin is extrapolation, i.e. that Thin is not between but outside the span of the masters. That is not possible with OTVars.

It exported totally fine with Glyphs 2, that’s why i’m kind of confused here.

It’s about the thin instance: does it have weight below 100 or a width other than 5?


Look at your Axes Coordinates section. The Thin Width is set to 100. That’s probably causing a problem given your Masters setup since they all have a Width of 5.

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And if all master have the same value in the Width field, I would remove the Width axis altogether.

I just had to make sure all my widths were set to 5. Thank you for the help!

I would strongly recommend to remove the width axis.

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I’m getting this same error when I add the italic axis to my upright file. I have it set to 0 in the uprights and 1 in the italics. The file exports fine without the italic axis setting in font info

Then you need to check your master and instance settings. All instances need to be within the min/max axis values that is set in the masters.

Hello. I have the same error message when exporting my font as variable .ttf. I tried reading through the answers here and also checked my values in my masters and instances, but can’t seem to find where my error is. The error message points to “Text Light” so i post screenshots with the values for that. Do you see where the mistake is?

Error message:

Master values:

Instance values:

Do you have Axis Location parameters set?

Could also be a Brace Layer with a coordinate outside of the masters’ span.