Error saving down from G3 to G2

I get this error pop-up when saving down from G3 to G2. I’ve already changed the Font Info > Other > File Saving > File format version > Glyphs 2. And get this error (see image).

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 11.39.38

OS Sonoma 14.0
Glyphs 3.1.2 (3151)

Any help would be welcome :slight_smile:

Go into your font info, open the Masters tab. Check the metrics for the masters and deactivate any scopes you might have set for a metric.

why do you need to save as Glyphs 2?

A colleague is using that version.

I have removed the Old Style and Small Cap scopes from the Font Info > Masters > Metrics. All seems to now be working.

The “small cap” scope should work.

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