I was looking for a script that could export my instances into separate folders. Let’s assume I have a Thin, Regular, and Bold instance. And I want to export them to a structure like this:
FontName/Weight/*otf,*ttf,*woff2 …
That would mean I get 3 sub-folders inside the FontName folder with the respective font-files.
Right now I have to select each and every instance and font-file by hand and move them to those sub-folders (i need those to provide the different weights as downloads). I wasn’t able to find a script that would do that for me.
I’m working with glyphs 3 in a *.glyphs-file with 6 masters and about 20 instances defined in export.
Find the eweracs scripts in the plugin manager, they contain a script “Batch Export” which exports your instances into neat folders (ttf, otf, webfonts, etc)
Makes sense. I haven’t updated the script in years. I have since made my own export plugin that replicates this script’s behaviour, with a lot more export options.
This is great and sorry for not checking in for so long after I initially asked.
I tried copying {{{weightClassUI}}} but it exports it as a literal folder not as a variable. Not sure if I got this wrong. The other solution would probably be, to create an “Export Folder” for each instance.
Think I should add this: Thank you all. You are always so quick to reply and are so well informed. Really thankful for all the help I found in this forum.
I updated to the cutting edge version. It works in part. {{{weightClassUI}}}/{{{format}}} Creates a folder for the first weight and exports all other weights to the same folder. Format works though. It creates a new folders for each font format. I wonder if I might need a different variable or if there is something else going on. Can I find the various possible variables somewhere?
For the one I tested it with no. I checked with another one, where I set different weights. There it worked. Thanks for pointing that out.
Still, I have two axis in the large font—one for weight and one for serif/sans. I would need to write a different variable I guess. Is there some kind of list, so I could customize the variable? Ideally I would like to use “Style Name” as a variable.
This works perfectly, and will make exporting and sorting so much easier in the future.
To get the folder structure I needed I used {{{familyName}}} {{{name}}} to get “Fontname Exported Weight” as a result. Thanks a lot to everyone who helped. Have a nice holiday and a happy new year.