Exporting File with Bounding Box

Is there a way to export files with a bounding box or showing the different metric values of a glyph, other than a screenshot?

For example;
Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 7.57.52 PM


You can print the current Edit view to PDF:

If you have the AFDKO tools installed, you can also use the charplot program:

$ charplot SomeFont.otf

which generates this output:

Not out of the box. You could try to build a drawbot script. Or use this a but hacky but fun script:


In the print dialog, save as PDF and open that in Illustrator to clean it up.
The result is a bit mixed but might get you started.

Thanks this was helpful, albeit it doesn’t export well graphically. I wonder if it is still best done in illustrator? Or perhaps a mix of both process, exporting and editing further in illustrator.

What exactly do you like to have? Can you post a sketch?