Exporting German letters Ä, Ö, Ü, ä, ö, ü, ß, ẞ in Glyphs Mini 2

Hi there,
whenever I want to export my font, I get this message:
Die Schrift beinhaltet mehrere Glyphen mit identischem Unicode.

Bitte überprüfen Sie die Glyphen:\nAdieresis = adieresis

Odieresis = odieresis

Germandbls = germandbls

Udieresis = udieresis

(**The font contains several glyphs with identical Unicode.

Please check the glyphs:\nAdieresis = adieresis

Odieresis = odieresis

Germandbls = germandbls

Udieresis = udieresis)

The thing is that I use the upper case and the lower case versions of those letters. How can I fix this? Are there any recommendations?

I would appreciate help a lot.

Check and see if one of them (uppercase or lowercase) have double Unicodes.

Hello, Rainer,
Thank you for your response.
No, they’re not:

  • Ä (upper): U+00C4
  • ä (lower): U+00E4
  • Ö (upper): U+00D6
  • ö (lower): U+00F6
  • Ü (upper): U+00DC
  • ü (lower): U+00FC
  • ẞ (upper): U+1E9E
  • ß (lower): U+00DF

This matches the unicode in Glyphs Mini which is why this error message is so surprising. Could it be that the function for export compares those less standard glyphs with the name written and either capitalizes them or turns them in snake case and then compares the names if the glyph exists twice? Sorry, I am also a developer, so this is really interesting to me. Am I a DAU or is it a bug?

Can you show a screenshot of your font view, ideally with the unicode assignment visible for at least one selected glyph?

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Hi Sebastian,
I did as you asked and noticed something additionally curious I have missed before.
I have two versions of the ß. The lower version which is very known and the less known upper version. In the “All Glyphs” section, you see all of them, but when you go to the language section, you only see the lower version.
Hope this helps.
BTW, I use a MacBook Pro with M1 Pro chip and Sonoma 14.5 and Glyphs Mini via SetApp.
Maybe it’s not a problem for all devices?

Did you edit the file in the full version of Glyphs before?

No, I only have access to the SetApp version.

Can you please send me the .glyphs file to support (at) (this website without ‘www’ or ‘forum’). I will have a look.

Email sent. :blush: