Exporting-problems: not creating .otf-file

When exporting my font everything seems to go as it should, there are no error messages or anything as far as I can see. However, the .otf-file doesn’t show once the export i complete. It doesn’t seem to create the file at all.
When I go to the Temp-folder under Script there’s an .otf-file there, but it’s zero KB.

This problem came at a very inconvenient time for me. Hoping for a quick response!


Can you double click the .command file in the temp folder, and paste the output here?

There is a bug in the error reporting. Will fix that.

new to glyphs… I had same problem, root cause was i had left/erased many fields in the font info blank… just added the word “test” to each and it generated file fine then…

Two things are necessary:

  • A font family name must be set.
  • In the latest versions, at least one instance must be set in File > Font Info > Instances