Feature suggestion : Tab title

Sometimes during the design/engineering process, I use tabs to check a bunch of layers. To keep the content of the tab legible, I sometimes type the subject of the check on the first line. I thought it might be interesting to add a feature to manually set a title for a tab. (something like Font.currenTab.title ?)

Why not just use the method I mentioned?

Because in some super display fonts, setting a long title line isn’t very legible (for example, with ultra-condensed or extended fonts).

Here is a edited screenshot to explain my idea.

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Really like this idea!
I also type out what the subject of the tab is about in the first line so it is easier to organize tabs.

Throwing out some ideas:
Maybe the suggested Tab Title and can integrate with existing Sample Strings where the Name defined in the sample string would be used as the Tab Title.

Going in the opposite direction, when saving a sample string from edit view, the given tab title could then become the name of the sample string.

@HugoJ Do you imagine that each tab would always have a tab title visible? What happens when a name isn’t given?

It could display the title in the tab bar, instead of the currently typed glyphs.

In my screenshot, it’s also what I did, but I was wondering if may be too short in many cases (with long title, or when a lot of tabs are open)

If someone is also interested, this is possible using setTitle_ on the tab:

Glyphs.font.currenTab.setTitle_("My Tab Name")
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Thanks, Hugo! :)) I’m using a lot of tabs, so that is more than handy

But is there a way to disable the auto title update when text in the tab changes?

That’s a good question ! But I don’t have the answer, maybe @FlorianPircher ?

For now, no. setTitle_ is more of a hack. We are currently investigating how to improve tabs, and that includes tab titles. I assume a tab title should be maintained when closing and reopening a document, no?

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Ideally yes