Filters can only be saved locally?

these Filters can only be saved locally?

If this project file is opened on another computer, are these still there?

Filters are not stored as part of the font, but locally on your Mac. Opening the Glyphs file on a different Mac will show the filters that are set up on that other Mac. If you work on multiple Macs, you can copy the CustomFilters.plist file from one Mac to the other to have the same filters on both.

You can put the file into a shared folder (dropbox, iCould or GitHub) and put a symlink into the Application Support/Glyphs 3

Where is this file?

In ~/Application Support/Glyphs 3

I can’t find this on my computer.
Cannot find out anything.

In Glyphs, go to è„šæœŹ → æ‰“ćŒ€è„šæœŹæ–‡ä»¶ć€č:

A Finder window will open, showing the CustomFilter.plist file:

Is it possible to have multiple CustomFilter[...].plist files in the Application Support folder?
I want to use Christophs Latin S
XL filters, but not put the file next to .glyphs file – as he instructs in his repo. I rather would like to see them in every project, next to the default filters.

I would like to keep the default filters and the additional filters separated, also in the UI (exactly like it looks when the additional custom filter file sits next to a .glyphs file, with it’s own headline in the UI).

But I didn’t find out how to achieve that. If I just put it next to the CustomFilter.plist, it won’t show. It seems that in there it has to be called exactly “CustomFilter.plist”?

Create a Folder “Filters” in your Glyphs 3 app folder:

.../Library/Application Support/Glyphs 3/Filters

Then you can use multiple filters :

CustomFilter Filters 1.plist
CustomFilter Filters 2.plist

That works indeed! Thanks Hugo.