First font (optical sizing)

This is my first font.
It is an optical sizing font with 6 masters. The reason for this is the dots do not change size but multiply with sizing up.

It is 6 individual sizes from 80pt to 180pt, with 20pt intervals. The lettershapes are based on railway thin, with some variation here and there.

Some of the letters look a bit odd/ugly to me (the A, the Q, the B and P) I’m really after help mostly with the kerning (but please feel free to comment on any aspect)

Looking forward to some feedback. Thanks.

Just a few things:
the Y has to few points and the Z to many.
the C and O (and round shapes in general) look to small. You need to add some overshot.
make the bowl of the P a big higher. that the lower connection fits to the stem like in 100pt.

lower the bar in the A. The you may be able to put two points in.
the S leans backwards

the G as a gap you need to redistribute the points to close it.
add points to the Q stroke.

the S leans backwards

The Z is quite wide in most sizes

Thanks, good advice.
I’ve made most of the suggested changes except for the Q stroke on 140pt, I’m not sure an extra point would work there.

Also the bowl of the P on 80pt - what did you mean exactly about that?

The A bar on 80pt I’ve just put an example for comparison, not sure which is better.

Changes underlined in red:

This typeface is part of a larger project I’m working on. A typeface with a tactile end product - hopefully the mockup of a users guide explains how it works. I’m still working on the concept/idea before putting the users guide and other examples together.

Critique / suggestions on the concept and execution would be great!