Font naming for Myfonts

On the Monotype/Myfonts conglomerate’s new uploading platform they are quite picky with naming the fonts correctly, which means they do not accept font names longer than 29 characters. So UltraLightItalic would have to turn into UlLtIt.
That’s OK internally or for the file itself but how can I keep the full name for the app menus?

(working on Glyphs 2 still, upgrade requested)

You can control the PostScript name with a custom parameter on the instance:

See the Naming tutorial (section The PostScript Names) for more details.

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Do I need both lines or just postcriptFontName?

Glyphs generates both automatically for you if you don’t define a custom value. So you can just set the one you want to change. You can open the exported OTF/TTF file with Glyphs to check if all parameters are set as you desire.

Thanks for your info so far!
I was trying to find the option to export automatically …
Pardon my ignorance but the naming tutorial you suggested (and which I was going through already) says under ‘The PostScript Names:

The PostScript Font Name (‘PostScript Name’, ID 6) can be set in File > Font Info > Exports with a general property called Font Name.

Where is this ‘Exports’ option (I don’t find it in the custom parameters)?
Or the ‘automatic’ option?

Thanks again for your help …

It is called “Font Name” in the general part of the instance settings.

The “Instances” tab has been re-labeled to “Exports” in Glyphs 3 and the Naming tutorial has been updated to reflect that change. Glyphs 2 still uses the “Instances” tab label (see my screenshot above).

Thank you, Florian – this is helpful. This is why I stated that I am using Glyphs 2 earlier.
I can give every instance a particular postscriptFontName manually. Still I do not find the ‘automatic’ option you mentioned.

The automatic option is … automatic. Let’s say you have a font with Some Super Duper Wooper Long Name. Set the postscriptFontName in your Instances → Custom Parameter.

That’s it. The postscriptFullName is automatically generated by Glyphs. To verify this, you can export your .glyphs file as an OTF and open the exported .otf file in Glyphs:

As you can see, the exported .otf font contains both postscriptFontName and postscriptFullName even though you specified only the former in your .glyphs file.

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Trying this here in G 2.6.6 but NOPE, nothing gets generated automatically here.

I am using 2.6.6 (1352) as well. Are you sure you are inspecting the exported OTF and not seeing any postscriptFullName?

And better check with OTMaster or ttx.

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Great idea! For ID 6: (font name)

ttx -qo- -tname YOUR-FILE.otf | xpath -q -e "//namerecord[@nameID=6]/text()"

For ID 4: (full name)

ttx -qo- -tname YOUR-FILE.otf | xpath -q -e "//namerecord[@nameID=4]/text()"

So, next issue:
when trying to open the .otf (ANY, i have tried to open others) I get an error warning (see attachm). Never happened before. Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-26 um 14.14.17

@GeorgSeifert could this be connected to G3 which I have downloaded 2 h ago?

That should be fixed in the next update that is about to be released.

What exactly will be fixed? :face_with_monocle:
I exported it with G 2 2.6.6 … and i cannot open the exported otf-files with neither Glyphs version… Can you explain a bit more?

I didn’t see that this was a Glyphs 2 error. Can you send me that file?
What version of MacOS do you have?

Emails (2) sent. THX for looking into that!

OK, ich versuch immer noch, das hinzukriegen. Ich zweifel langsam an mir …
Wenn ich im Glyphsfile (nicht das otf, sondern das File mit den Mastern) bei den Instanzen > Benutzerparameter ‚postscriptFontName‘ bzw -FullName klicke, erscheint: ‚Neuer Wert‘
Wenn ich dann exportiere und das otf-File öffne sehe ich zwar das was Du beschreibst, aber ohne die Abkürzungen. Um genau DIE geht es mir aber, da ich sonst nicht zu Myfonts uploaden kann.
Kann ich zu den Abkürzungen auch automatisch gelangen?

Standardmäßig sind weder postscriptFullName noch postscriptFontName als Benutzerparameter definiert. Beide Werte werden von Glyphs automatisch aus den anderen Feldern (Familie Namen, Stil-Name) erzeugt. Falls man einen oder beiden dieser Werte anpassen will (etwa um einen kürzeren Namen zu haben) kann ein Benutzerparameter definiert werden. Will man also etwa alles automatisch berechnen lassen muss man nichts tun. Will man nur postscriptFontName ändern, so muss nur postscriptFontName als Benutzerparameter gesetzt werden.

Soweit ich weiß: nein. Es gibt keine festen Abkürzungen, nur Konventionen. Die Adobe-Konvention wird in Naming Tutorial beschrieben.