Fontbook warning Structure name table

EDIT: Solved. I overlooked an empty License field in the Font info popup…

In Fontbook I get a ‘Structure name table’ warning. Below some settings, and a FontTableViewer screenshot. I have a space and a number in my font name: “Fontname 5”.

I’ve 3 masters in one file (light, regular, bold), no interpolation.

Schermafbeelding 2022-02-21 om 16.46.37

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What do you have defined in the Font settings.

Numbers should be fine.

In the last screenshot, it seems that the “license” field is empty. Can you check that?

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Thank you Georg. I had indeed found out that the error message in Fontbook was caused by an empty license field. Glyphsapp apparently doesn’t warn about this when exporting.

I’ll check that. Thanks
Do you still happen to have the file with the empty version?

No I deleted the empty field, but I can add it again :slight_smile:

Could you do that and send me the file?