FontLab export-to-Glyphs script makes HUGE files

Hi all –

Rainer, I used your macro to export from FontLab to Glyphs on some legacy CJK data. It’s true that the files are large as VFBs – 18-19 MB or so – but I didn’t expect a 249 MB Glyphs file, which appears to be clogging Glyphs and making it crash when I try to work on these files. Is there an intermediate step I can run to compress these files or reduce redundancies or something? (I deleted all of its OpenType in the VFBs because I needed to redo a lot of it for this project anyway.)


FontLab files are binary and quite densely packed. Glyphs files are text based property list files. There are different flavors, and the one used by the export script is the most descriptive but also produces the biggest files. And it is the only format supported by python. The file size should go down to ~150 MB when you save it from Glyphs.

Would it be possible to send me the file?

And, what version do you have and did you send the crash report (the one that comes up when you restart the app)?

So you think I might see an improvement in performance if I immediately save it after opening it? I will try this.

I am using the newest version. I downloaded it when I got the first crash today. The next crash that happens, I will send the report (I did not send the previous one).

I am unable to send the data (NDA), and I don’t think the anonymizer plugin will be able to handle all this. :smile:

Thanks, I will report back on the save technique…

It went down to 102 MB. I will report back if this is an issue, but I have other ~100 MB Glyphs files and they are fine to work with, so I suspect this will be fine.

Thanks very much.

It will certainly reduce file size :smile:

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I said I’d report back if I got crashes. I’m getting them now, but the Glyphs crash reporter isn’t appearing. Glyphs locks up when I try and Update Glyph Info (to change all CID names to Glyphs names) on more than 100 or so Glyphs. If the crash reporter doesn’t appear, are its logs living somewhere I can find them and attach them?
