Glyph name changed to Unicode name after exported

Hello all,
I tested exporting my font today. And I noticed that when I open an exported OTF file in Glyph, the names of some glyphs have changed to unicode names instead (Please see the attached photo). Not sure if this is normal, but I believe that the automatic backend coding was done with the glyph names, not the unicode names. So I’m wondering if this would cause any problem with some features of the effected glyphs.


The names of these glyphs in the original files are Scommaaccent, Germandbls, and Ucaron. And there are several others that have the same issue.

Please let me know when you have a moment. Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

These are the correct production names for the glyphs. Read about glyph names:

And reopening a compiled OTF in Glyphs is not a good way of testing a font. Test it in the environment it is intended for, e.g., with the Adobe Fonts folder:

@mekkablue Thank you so much for your advice :slight_smile:

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I’ve just hit this problem today - “Use custom naming” is on in the font info panel, but glyphs are still being renamed to uniXXXX names.

The ““Use custom naming” is not disabling production names. There is a “Don’t use Production Names” that should do what you are looking for.
Both options are a bit confusing, I know.