I have read that antivirus software can cause problems for Glyphs when they are running on the same machine. Is there a way I can use Glyphs and antivirus software like Malwarebytes on the same computer without any problems?
I would like to use Glyphs while also ensuring that my device is safe from threats.
There are apps that pretend to save space by removing unneeded code from apps (e.g. Intel code in Apple Silicone machine). That damages the code signing and that will stop Glyphs from running.
I had both Glyphs 3 and Malwarebytes installed on my old computer. I recently got a 2023 MacBook and I only have Glyphs 3 installed on the machine.
I got an error message in Glyphs on my old computer a long time ago that said something like, “data cannot be read because it isn’t in the correct format.”
I didn’t install Malwarebytes on my new computer because I didn’t know if it was the culprit of the error. Furthermore, I read an official Glyphs article that warns about antivirus tools. I will include an excerpt and a link to the article below:
Get rid of ‘helper’ apps
Are you using system maintenance tools, system optimizers, antivirus tools? Avast, CleanMyMac, MacCleaner perhaps?
Uninstall them.
No, really. Away with them.
Most of these ‘tools’ are completely useless on the Mac. In fact, most of them are malware themselves. The vendors of this kind software, of course, will try and make you afraid and tell all kind of baloney, and surprise, their tool will ‘protect’ your Mac. Don’t buy into that crap. The truth, however, is that there are no viruses on the Mac, and macOS is a very good operating system that can take care of itself just fine. No helpers or optimisers or memory cleaners, or whatever else people try to sell to you, are necessary at all. At all.
Needless to say, the malware vendors will insist what I just told you is a ‘myth’. Do not fall for that. I cannot think of a scenario where anyone would profit from the use of such tools on a Mac. My advice: get rid of all these maintenance and antivirus apps. All they can possibly do is break things.
There are no Mac viruses. So, antivirus makes no sense on the Mac. The only way to get malware on your Mac is by tricking you into putting it on your Mac. And one of these ways is to make you afraid of non-existent viruses and offering you the solution for a non-existent problem.