Glyphs could not open any .glyphs .otf etc files

same here.
Version 2.0.0 (726) (licensed)

I had a problem with Glyphs 2.0.0 (726), with license

Any news on this? It’s happening to me too.

I found the problem and preparing an update

726 too if that helps and I also may add that there were some problems with exporting earlier

The update is out. Sorry for the trouble.


Works now. Thank you for the quick fix! Really appreciate it.

BTW - It’s pretty interesting how this issue suddenly appeared all over the world I guess. Maybe some date and time algorithm issue ? This reminds me about something funny like “Remote Destroy” haha- joking .

A new issue I think … Update in my below post.

Thanks! works now

Perfect, Thank You!!

Update to my previously post : the opening works now. But seems there is another issue. Keeps crashing for no reason after I copy a the A glyph (the shape paths) and paste it to the U glyph (for example) then removing overlaps and after zooming in 3-4 times - it crashes. Not sure if this trigger the crash but play with Removing overlaps and Zooming (with shortcut keys like I did) .

Did you send a crash report (the one that comes up after you restart the app)? And please add a note and you contact details. This helps a lot. And keep sending them even if it is the same circumstance.

The thing is that it doesn’t come up anything after I restart it … Just crashing and when I reopen nothing comes up.

UPDATE : for some very odd and unknown reason, the crash no more happening …

Thank you, work now.

Thanks a lot!

Thank you for helping so quick. It’s working now.

Hey, I arrive a bit late in the discussion but I am having the same problem now, my version (2.0.0—726) seems up to date, is there something specific to do here?

There is an update to version 727.

Thanks for the quick reply.
How can I get the update to version 727?
I’m getting nothing from the Glyph Menu > Preferences nor Glyph Menu > Check for update.

Maybe you have some firewall that prevents the updater to call home?
Can you download the app from the website?

Perfect, thanks!