Glyphs Crash not able to open

Hi, I had this problem now several times. After doing some work with corners and interpolation Glyphs crashes. After that the file wont be able to open again. It always crashes. Theres no error message or anything. I deleted all the plug-ins so option+alt wont work as well. Idk what it is but the crash occurred when i was woking on the K? maybe there is some bug with the _corner components idk. If someone could help, would be a lot appreciated. Or if you guys can open the file? Especially the K?

Thanks a lot, Elia

It seems it has to do something with some _corners at the same point. When I activate the compatibility view glyphs crashes when there are some overlapping corner components?

The problem was the “show master compatibly” didn’t handle the detached corner in the first master if the “K”:
Screen Shot 2024-04-24 at 19.45.44

Disable “Show Master Compatibility”, open the “K” and click the blue ring in the lower left and delete it.