Glyphs mini capabilities

I was about to suggest Glyphs mini on a slack channel for local designers, to an UI designer having trouble with home-made icon fonts.
He’d made the icon fon in some icon app, and he was looking to fix a path direction issue.

I checked to see if Glyphs Mini would be a good purchase to solve the problem and saw that Glyphs Mini doesn’t do WOFF2.
I recommended it anyway (with the caveat that it doesn’t do WOFF2).

I thought you’d like to know, since otherwise Mini would be a great companion app for icon font makers.

While Glyphs Mini doesn’t export web fonts, you can use, for example, the fonttools Python library in order to do the compression from TTF/OTF to WOFF2.

There are a number of converter tools available.

@SCarewe: you can use, for example, the fonttools Python library
When discussing glyphs mini, a casual user app, gateway drug to full Glyphs even, expecting them to figure out python is a bit much to ask for from a casual user :slight_smile:

@GeorgSeifert: There are a number of converter tools available.
For sure. I feel that the Glyphs brand is about being a bit of a one-stop-shop and easy to use (relatively speaking). So I just wanted to suggest this as a thing that might sweeten the deal for the Glyphs Mini audience, since it’s not a power-user feature anymore, webfonts are pretty standard.
I’m not seeking to debate, I respect whatever business decisions are made, I just wanted to get that point accross, for you to consider. It’s a great product with or without it.


We are planing a bigger update of Glyphs Mini. We will discuss the support for webfont export for it.

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