Glyphs repeatedly crashing after “View–>Show Presenter” [solved]

The subject pretty much says it. I’m on a Monterey 12.6.7, MBP M1, Glyphs 3.1.2 (3151).

Once I selected “Show Presenter”, Glyphs crashed. Launching it again displays the main window with a crash reporter and then it crashes again. Rinse, repeat. Unfortunately I can’t upload an attachment as a new user, but here’s a Notion page with the crash report.

Kind regards,


Hi there,

I apologize for the inconvenience. That should not happen. On my machine it does not crash, so let’s try to fix it for you.

The plugin in the ”Plugins” folder is called ”Presenter Pro.glyphsReporter” and in the ”Repositories” Folder is a folder called ”presenter-pro-plugin”. Can you please delete both manually?

Also, could you check if you have a ”paddle-framework” in the ”Repositories” folder as well? If so, please delete that one too.

After deleting all those, please install Presenter again from the plugin manager.

Maybe that could help? Please let me know!

Thanks so much for your patience and help.

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Hi @Mark, thanks a lot for your quick answer. :pray:

OK, that took a bit of hunting (I’m a relatively new MacOS user though). I didn’t realise these were supposed to be in the Library, rather than in the actual application package. The curse of knowledge, eh? :wink:

Yes, it solved the issue – my Glyphs came back to life, woohoo! Thank you, Mark.

BTW, tremendous work there. :black_heart: :muscle: :black_heart:

Kind regards,

Wait, you were putting the plugins into the Glyphs App Package? Who told you to do that? One should never touch that at all, it will break the app certainly. :melting_face:

Always install plugins only via the plugin manager (or if in any other way, follow exact instructions).

Anyway, glad to hear that it works now :raised_hands:

Nope, I didn’t and no one told me to do so. But I was looking for them there initially, that’s that. :upside_down_face:

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I have the same problem. The problem is that in the “plugins” folder I can’t find any of the entries you wrote here. how do I do it?

best regards,

Can you post the full path of the plugin folder you are looking at?

It looks like the Plugins folder inside the Glyphs package, @diecigi (which is a wrong place). Look for it here:

Kind regards,

You can find the Plugin folder from the Scripts Menu > Open Script Folder. It will open a Finder window with the Scripts folder highlighted, but the Plugins folder is just next to it.

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I have tried in these modes but still nothing, I cannot find the reporter plugin

What are you loking for and why? Do you have a crash? Do you like to use the plugin?

If the plugin is seen in Glyphs, it must be in there: